
Showing posts from March, 2023

1st National Mediation Competition by Amity Law School

  About the competition:  The  1st National Mediation Competition  is a prestigious event that provides law students with an opportunity to showcase their mediation skills . The competition aims at promoting the importance of mediation as a peaceful and effective means of resolving disputes. The competition aims at promoting the importance of mediation as a peaceful and effective means of resolving disputes. To be eligible to sign up, students must be registered as full-time or part-time law students in the academic year of 2022-2023. Students who graduated in 2022, before the competition but at most six months prior to the commencement of the competition, are still eligible to participate.    Date of Competition: 7th April No Registration Fees Click here for more Information-  Click Here Application Procedure: The interested students before filling out the participation form MUST apply at  and cc to   an...

3rd NLIU International Negotiation Competition by NLIU Bhopal

About the Competition   The NLIU International Negotiation Competition constitutes the Alternative Dispute Resolution Cell's most competitive and exclusive segment of competitive events. Instead of necessarily focusing on resolution of legal centric disputes or necessitating the presence of a legally or quasi- legally appointed moderator, this competition would imbibe empirical learning on a more commercial plane. The outcome and intent of this type of a tournament pivots around the desire for maximizing tangible or intangible profits and cooperatively negotiating the most strategically beneficial outcome for a given party. Format of the competition  This edition of the competition also ignites the competitive spirit amongst participants with the introduction of a knock-out format as against the preceding system based on teams' hierarchy of points. In practice, the cell will select the top 16 teams from the pool of applications and let the winning team in each match-up proceed...

1st MNLU Nagpur National Commercial Mediation Competition, 2023 (Virtual)

  About the competition As a matter of its contribution towards the development and promotion of ADR in India, the  ADR Society of Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur  in collaboration with the  Centre for Intellectual Property Rights, MNLU Nagpur & DPIIT IPR Chair, MNLU Nagpur is organising  the first edition of 1st MNLU Nagpur National Commercial Mediation Competition, 2023 which will be one of a kind  Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)  and  Cyber Law  themed Mediation Competition. Format of the Competition:  Each team shall comprise  three students : one (1) Mediator and one (1)   pair of Client-Counsel. In the preliminary rounds, the team members of the client counsel pair will have to take each role once. This requirement will not be present in the advanced rounds.   Date of the competition: 14th-16th April, 2023 Application Procedure: The interested students before filling out the participatio...

Justice A.S. Anand National Triathlon Competition by UILS, Panjab University, Chandigarh

  About the University The University Institute of Legal Studies (UILS), Panjab University, Chandigarh, in a short span of time, has emerged as one of the premier legal institutes with a unique blend of tradition and modernity. It is a distinct microcosmic institution epitomising composite multi-dimensional and multi-national amalgamation of students and faculty members. About the competition This Triathlon endeavours to hone the skills of each participant through the various stages of dispute resolution which begins with Client Counselling followed by attempts of Negotiations between parties and then finally heading towards a Mediation Session. Registration Fees:  INR 3500 per participant. Stages of the Competition Preliminary Rounds ā€“ Each Team shall be once the Responding Party and once the Requesting Party in each session. No Team shall compete against the same team more than once in the Preliminary Rounds. Semi Finals ā€“ The 4 best teams from the preliminary stages wi...

IX National Law School Mediation Competition (NLS NMC)

About the University NLSIU was the first National Law University established in India in 1986. The premier law school was set up with a mission to pioneer legal education reforms, and to anchor the transformation of the Indian legal system through research and policy interventions. Consequently, the NLSIU was one of the first institutions in the country to introduce the five-year integrated law degree at the undergraduate level with the commencement of the first batch in 1988. Format of the competition  Each team will participate in 2 preliminary rounds against two other teams. The match-ups for the preliminary rounds will be random. At the end of the preliminary rounds, the top 8 teams will advance to the Quarter-Final rounds. The Quarter-Finals and Semi-Finals will be knock-out rounds, resulting in the top two teams competing in the finals. Please Note: Interested students must apply only for the Mediation (Client-Attorney) segment and not any other segment. Team Composition:...

1st National Law Fest, Lucknow University

  About the  organizers The University of Lucknow has be awarded A++ in 2022 by NAAC. The ADR drafting and literary society of the University is organizing a national mediation competition. The competition seeks to provide a prodigious experience that will amplify the interests of young minds in this niche practice of law. The competition will help students brainstorm probable solutions for a near to real challenges while providing them with the comfort of choosing their roles as per their preferences. It, therefore, tries to break the monotony of theory-based learning and helps students in putting their knowledge and skills to use. This competition will also provide an opportunity for the participants to develop the requisite lawyering and communication skills through various training sessions conducted by industry professionals. The appealing and ever-growing fields of the law will be selected for this competition to expose the participants to a situation where the inte...

2nd International Mediation Competition (IMC) by KLA Law College, Thiruvananthapuram

  About Kerala Law Academy The Kerala Law Academy Law College (KLA), established in 1966 is a Centre for legal studies, legal research and law reforms. Its acclaimed peer-reviewed Research Journal is published continuously since 1977. The College is affiliated with the University of Kerala. About IMC 2023 2 nd  International Mediation Competition (IMC) organised by Kerala Law Academy Law College, Thiruvananthapuram is a step taken towards acting as facilitator in increasing the ADR Culture among aspiring lawyers.  Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2 nd  International Mediation Competition hosted by the Kerala Law Academy will be held via virtual mode on 10 th  March 2023 from the Kerala Law Academy Campus, Peroorkada, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. The competition is conducted through the online platforms Zoom.  All the participating teams should have good access to the internet and be able to access the above said online platform at the scheduled dates and ti...

5th TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition, 2023

About the Competition The Tamil Nadu National Law University through its Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee (ADRC) is organising its 5th National Med-Arb Competition to be held physically.  This distinct hybrid of the Alternative Dispute Resolution mechanism aims to imbibe and test a more holistic approach to ADR with a more realistic reflection of the current dispute resolution landscape that tests more than just a singular skillset. Date of the Competition: April 28 to 30, 2023. Registration Fees: INR 5000 For more information regarding the competition:   Click here Application Procedure: The interested students before filling out the participation form MUST apply at  and cc to  with all necessary details (including Internal Ranks, details of team members, Contact number)  latest by 10th March 2023 before 11:59 PM. In case of any query, contact team ADR but kindly do not upload wrong...