
Showing posts from 2019

40 hours Civil- Commercial Mediation Training from 4th January to 8th January 2020 in ILS Pune.

Dear Students, ILS Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (ILSCA), Pune in collaboration with ADR ODR International, UK is organizing 40 hours Civil- Commercial Mediation Training from 4 th  January to 8 th  January 2020 in Pune.  This programme provides delegates with a minimum of 40 hour training in mediation by a team of global experts who have decades of experience in alternative dispute resolution which will involve   role-playing mediation sessions, group discussions, and exercises in order to practice the skills being learned. This  is a SIMI registered and CMC Accredited programme and the completion of this programme results in full accreditation as a UK Civil-Commercial mediator meeting international standards in mediation. It also gives an opportunity to be a level-1 SIMI (Singapore International Mediation Institute) Accredited Mediator.  Dates ā€“ 4 th  January 202 to 8 th  Januar...

Call for Application: The Mediation Negotiation competition ā€œSamanvay ā€“ 2020ā€

Dear students, The Mediation Negotiation competition ā€œSamanvay ā€“ 2020ā€ is your platform to build skills, experience & to connect ADR experts of the future and understand the value of resolving disputes through mediation so that they can apply it in their personal and professional lives. Venue: Dr. D Y Patill College of Law, Dr. D Y Patil Vidyanagar, Sector 7, Nerul, Navi Mumbai Date: January 17th ā€“ 19th 2020 Participation Details: The team shall register via their University/College in groups of 3, i.e. Negotiation pair comprising two (2) students and one (1) Mediator student. So, each participating team shall comprise of three (3) students . Further Information Brochure PROCEDURE FOR ALLOTMENT: Allotments shall be made solely on the basis of the 'Average Internal Mediation Rank' of 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019. Kindly mention names along with the rankings and average cumulative ranks. APPLY AT: and cc to apr...

Call for Application- 2nd edition of RGNUL Sports and Entertainment Law National Mediation Competition 2020.

Dear students, Greetings from the  Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR), Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab. CADR is ecstatic to announce the  2nd edition of RGNUL Sports and Entertainment Law National Mediation Competition 2020  (ā€˜the Competitionā€™)  from   March 6 ā€“ 8, 2020 . Participation Details: Ā·       Each participating team shall consist of a Client-Counsel pair (i.e., the Negotiation Team) and one student as the Mediator. Ā·       Number of participating teams ā€“  32 teams  (+2 teams from RGNUL) Brochure for the competition PROCEDURE FOR ALLOTMENT: Allotments shall be made solely on the basis of the 'Average Internal Mediation Rank' of 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019. Kindly mention names along with the rankings and average cumulative ranks. NOTE: THE TEAMS SHALL APPLY FOR EITHER MEDIATION OR NEGOTIATION COMPETITION.  APPLY AT: and...

CALL FOR APPLICATION: National Mediation Competition at IMS Unison University, Dehradun [28-29 January 2020]

Dear Students, School of Law, IMS Unison University is organising its paramount event,  1st Edition of National Mediation Competition 2020 held on January 28th-29th, 2020. The National Mediation Competition (NMC, 2K20) is an annual competition that aims to promote greater knowledge and interest which allows students to flex their advocacy muscles within the mediation process. The competition aims to provide a platform that reflects the ever-growing expectation of clients to utilise other cost-effective alternative dispute resolution mechanisms to trial. Details of the competition: PROCEDURE FOR ALLOTMENT: Allotments shall be made solely on the basis of the ' Average Internal Mediation Rank ' of 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019. Kindly mention names along with the rankings and average cumulative ranks.  The subject of the mail should be "Applicati...

CALL FOR APPLICATION: Symbhav, Symbiosis Law School Pune 28 Feb-1st March 2020

Dear Students, Symbiosis Law School, Pune, a constituent of Symbiosis International (Deemed University) is organizing its annual inter-collegiate cultural, sports and legal festival,  Symbhav 2020.  The fest is a student-driven cultural extravaganza which aims to bring students together from different disciplines across the country and provide a platform for mutual learning and growth. Various segments under it are: Mediation:   3-member team consisting of a Mediator, Advocate and Client. Negotiation:  2 Negotiators per team The competitions will be held from 28 th February 2020 to the 1st March 2020 . PROCEDURE FOR ALLOTMENT: Allotments shall be made solely on the basis of the ' Average Internal Mediation Rank ' of 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019. Kindly mention names along with the rankings and average cumulative ranks. NOTE: THE TEAMS SHALL APPLY FOR...

Call for Application- 3rd Community Mediation Competition, INTERCESSIONIS 2020 at ILS Law College, Pune.

Dear Students, The third edition of India's only Community Mediation Competition, INTERCESSIONIS 2020, organized by ILS Centre for Arbitration (ILSCA) in association with Peacekeeping And Conflict Resolution Team(PACT) at ILS Law College, Pune from 31st January- 3rd February 2020. NOTE: 16 teams will be shortlisted after the deadline and only after that, the Payment Link will be sent to the shortlisted 16 teams via the Email Id provided in the Registration Form. * Please note that the Shortlisting of teams shall be done based on prior experience of the team in ADR activities. So the applicants are requested to mention their prior individual ADR experience and their cumulative Internal Mediation rankings. Kindly, apply after Pursued herewith attached the official brochure and rulebook of the competition for your perusal. RULEBOOK BROCHURE APPLY AT: and cc to, latest by December 2, 2019 at 12pm. In case of any query...

Call for Application- 5th National Alternative Dispute Resolution Competition CHRIST University, Bangalore, 2020.

Dear Students, The  5th National Alternative Dispute Resolution Competition, 2020  is the fifth edition of the flagship event of ADR Board, SLCU. The 5th NADR aims to create a platform for like-minded individuals with an interest in ADR to indulge in an intellectual and thought-provoking competitive simulation of Negotiation, Mediation and Client Counseling. Mediation:   3-member team consisting of a Mediator, Advocate and Client. Negotiation:  2 Negotiators per team The competitions will be held from  16th January 2020 to the 18th January 2020 . The brochure holds detailed information regarding the competition. Brochure NOTE: Kindly, apply after having pursued the rules and procedure of the competition. Rules and Regulations PROCEDURE FOR ALLOTMENT: Allotments shall be made solely on the basis of the ' Average Internal Mediation Rank ' of 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019. Kindly mention names along with the rankings. NOT...

Inviting Registrations for RGNUL-SAM-PACT Arbitration Bootcamp, 2019

Dear Students, RGNUL is organizing a 2-day Arbitration Bootcamp  in collaboration with Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas (SAM) and The Peacekeeping And Conflict Resolution Team (The PACT). The Bootcamp will cover the basics of domestic and international arbitrations in India. Dates for the Bootcamp: 19-20 October, 2019 It is to be kindly noted that there is a  registration fees of Rs. 1,500/- .  Additional Rs. 500/- (per night) will be charged for accommodation . The Bootcamp is open to  70 participants only .  To get yourself registered, please fill the registration form given below Registration Form For further details you may refer to the Brochure Brochure for further information Those, who are getting themselves registered are requested to inform the LAC-ADR team at and cc to For any Query feel free to contact the LAC-ADR association. NO...

Call For Application- 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition, 2019.

Dear Students, TNNLU is organizing the 2nd TNNLU National Med-Arb Competition, 2020.  The competition is based on a distinct hybrid of mediation and arbitration where mediation will be followed by arbitration on the same problem. The theme for this edition of the competition is Sports Med-Arb. Dates For The Competition:  31st January-2nd February 2020. The students can find further information of the competition in the link below. Further Information Link NOTE: Kindly, apply after having pursued the rules and procedure of the competition. Link for Rules and Guidelines PROCEDURE FOR ALLOTMENT: Allotments shall be made solely on the basis of the " Average Internal Mediation Rank " of the 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019. Kindly mention names along with the rankings. APPLY AT: and cc to latest by October 5, 2019 at 11.59 pm. In case of any query, contact team LAC but kind...

Call For Application- Justice A S Anand Meditation and Negotiation Competition at UILS, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 2019.

Dear Students, The Alternative Dispute Resolution and Client Counseling Board, University Institute of Legal Studies, Panjab University, is proud to present its second edition of Justice A.S. Anand National Meditation and Negotiation Competition, 2019. Dates for the Competition: 8th November 2019 ā€“ 9th November 2019 The students can find further information of  the Competition in the link below. Further Information Link   NOTE: Kindly, apply after having pursued the rules and procedure of the competition. Link for rules and guidelines PROCEDURE FOR ALLOTMENT: Allotments shall be made solely on the basis of the ' Average Internal Mediation Rank ' of 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019. Kindly mention names along with the rankings. APPLY AT: and cc to, latest by October 3, 2019 at 11.59 pm. In case of any query, contact team LAC but kindly do not upload wrong information; for the appli...

Call for Application- Lex Bonanza International Law Fest at Indore Institute of Law, 2019.

Dear students, Indore Institute of Law, Indore is organizing the VIII Chapter of its International Law Fest Lex Bonanza 2K19 under which its  1st Mediation & Negotiation Competition ā€“ Med-Neg; a first of its kind transitional mediation that provides party with the opportunity to conduct fruitful negotiation, providing the advocate an additional opportunity in the Mediation process to act as the Negotiator on behalf of the Client.   Dates for the Competition:  18th to 20th of October 2019. The students can find further information of the competition on the link below. Further Information Link NOTE: Kindly, apply after having pursued the rules and procedure of the competition. Link for Rules and Guidelines PROCEDURE FOR ALLOTMENT: Allotments shall be made solely on the basis of the " Average Internal Mediation Rank " of 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019. Kindly mention names along with the rankings APPLY AT: soladr@ddn.up...

Call for Application- Dubai & Ad Hoc Negotiation Competition, 2019.

Dear students, The ADR ODR International is proud to present their first ever Negotiation Boot Camp & Ad Hoc Negotiation Competition, taking place this year in Dubai! They are offering a one-day boot camp followed by a two-day negotiation competition which even features a round of negotiation in the Arabian desert! Dates for the Competition: 5-7 November, 2019. The boot camp will be delivered in partnership with the European Institute for Conflict Resolution (EICR) and has been specially designed for law and business students. You can find further information, for event brochure and event agenda, on the website by clicking the link below: Further Information link NOTE: Kindly, apply after having pursued the rules and procedure of the competition. Link for Rules and Guidelines PROCEDURE FOR ALLOTMENT: Allotments shall be made solely on the basis of the ' Average Internal Mediation Rank ' of 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019. Kindly mention names alon...

Notice for Blacklisting- 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019.

Dear students, After providing a reasonable opportunity to explain the reasons for non-appearance in rounds of 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019, it has been decided to blacklist the defaulters. The list of same has been attached below. The implications of this would be that for this year, the blacklisted participants cannot take part in any of the events organized by the LAC ADR Association, may it be as a participant or organizing member. Blacklisted Teams Regards, LAC ADR Association, 2019.

Participation and Allotment Rules- 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019

ALLOTMENT RULES- 2019- 2020 Representation of Teams outside School of law, UPES. These rules apply to the entire process of allotment of External ADR Competition (hereinafter, the external competition) held at other Universities/colleges from the date of declaration of the intra competition results. Ā·          GENERAL RULES  1.    It is compulsory to participate in the Internal ADR Competitions held by LAC- ADR Association  to be eligible to participate in the external Competitions. Any student who has not participated in the Competition shall have no claim of any nature with the LAC with respect to allotments.   2.     A student will be allowed to participate in One External Competition in one allotment period that shall be allotted on the basis of rankings in IV Internal Mediation Competition, 2019.   3.    Allotment to Committee: There shall be committee preferences depen...

Rankings- 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019

Greetings participants, Rankings for the 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019. Rankings: Mediator Rankings: Client-Counsel pair A subsequent post will be published regarding the allotment form and procedure. Congratulations to all. All the best! In case of any query, kindly contact: Mail to: Regards, LAC ADR Association, 2019.

Call for Application for Mediation Competition at CNLUā€™s Legal Aid fest, 2019

Dear students ,  Chanakya National Law University is organising   the 1st Edition of National Legal Aid fest, Vidhikta 2019, from 27th -29th of September, 2019.  APPLY  AT:, latest by September 24, 2019 at 5:00 pm.  ALLOTMENT PROCEDURE: Open for all the participants of IV Internal Mediation Competition, 2019. In case of any query, contact  LAC   ADR Association  but kindly do not upload wrong information; for the application shall be rejected outright, if any discrepancy is found. NOTE:  Kindly apply after having perused the rules  and procedures  of the competition . Link for Information : Regards,  Nandini Acharya  ( Convenor LAC ADR Association, 2019) ( Contact: +91 81094 29172)

Achievement : 3rd Amity ADR Negotiation Competition,2019.

Greetings! We are delighted to announce that Mr. Udit Thakran and Mr. Arunaditya Singh were the I Runners up in the Mediation-Arbitration segment of 3rd Amity ADR tournament, held on 13th and 14th September, 2019. The team also won cash prize of 6000 with a trophy. Heartiest congratulations to the team!

Results for Finals- 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition,2019.

Greetings Students ! We have completed the Final rounds of the 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition '19 The merit holder teams are: WINNERS:   Team Code 37 : Mediator- Khwaja Umair ; Client Counsel Pair- Vishwas Gupta and Yukti Mahi Bawa  I RUNNERS UP: Team Code 47 : Mediator- Priyanshi Chakraborty ; Client Counsel Pair- Muskan Kejriwal and Keshav Jatwani II RUNNERS UP:  Team Code 69: Mediator- Akanksha Sharma ; Client Counsel Pair- Shubham Jha and Sameeksha Shukla. FINALIST:  Team Code 27: Mediator- Sachet Sahni ; Client Counsel Pair- Vishal Singh and Srushti Iyer. BEST MEDIATOR:  Team Code 47 : Priyanshi Chakraborty BEST CLIENT-COUNSEL PAIR:  Team Code 51 : Akshita Bansal & Ayushi Gupta With best regards,  LAC-ADR Association, 2019.

Results for Semi-Finals - 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition,2019

Greetings Students ! We have completed the Semi Final rounds of the 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition '19 The top 4 teams to qualify for the Finals are: Team Code 47 : Mediator- Priyanshi Chakraborty ; Client Counsel Pair- Muskan Kejriwal and Keshav Jatwani Team Code 37 : Mediator- Khwaja Umair ; Client Counsel Pair- Vishwas Gupta and Yukti Mahi Bawa Team Code 69: Mediator- Akanksha Sharma ; Client Counsel Pair- Shubham Jha and Sameeksha Shukla. Team Code 27: Mediator- Sachet Sahni ; Client Counsel Pair- Vishal Singh and Srushti Iyer. All the best to the teams ! With Best regards, LAC-ADR Association, 2019.

Results for Preliminary Rounds- 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019.

Greetings Students ! After a tedious day of mediation sessions, organized by the Upes Lac Adr Association, We have completed the preliminary rounds of the 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition '19 The top 8 teams to qualify for the Semi-Finals tomorrow are: Team Code 47 : Mediator- Priyanshi Chakraborty ; Client Counsel Pair- Muskan Kejriwal and Keshav Jatwani Team Code 37 : Mediator- Khwaja Umair ; Client Counsel Pair- Vishwas Gupta and Yukti Mahi Bawa Team Code 18: Mediator- Priyanshi Dutta ; Client Counsel Pair- Kushagra Dubey and Aditya Sati. Team Code 4: Mediator- Abhishant Kumar ; Client Counsel Pair- Sheetal Yadav and Devanshu Bindal. Team Code 69: Mediator- Akanksha Sharma ; Client Counsel Pair- Shubham Jha and Sameeksha Shukla. Team Code 27: Mediator- Sachet Sahni ; Client Counsel Pair- Vishal Singh and Srushti Iyer. Team Code 39: Mediator- Nitya Trivedi ; Client Counsel Pair- Devangi Tiwari and Kokila Beriya. Team Code 55: Mediator- Vikash kumar; ...

Bus Route- 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019.

Greetings Participants! We hope your preparations are going well. Kindly refer to the attached bus route for tomorrow. The bus would start from the first stop (Jakhan) at 7:00 am. Please report to the subsequent stops accordingly. Reporting time to campus is 8:30 am. Bus driver name-  Mr. Madan Contact number-  7060217952 For any other query, please contact-  Mr. Gurqurban Sarao (9646300024) (Transport In-Charge) Regards, LAC ADR Association 2019.

Material for Reference- 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019.

Greetings ! Please find below the attachments for your convenience, this will help you regarding preparations for 4th UPES Internal Mediation Competition, 2019. All the best for your rounds ! Regards, LAC- ADR Association, 2019.