40 hours Civil- Commercial Mediation Training from 4th January to 8th January 2020 in ILS Pune.
Dear Students, ILS Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (ILSCA), Pune in collaboration with ADR ODR International, UK is organizing 40 hours Civil- Commercial Mediation Training from 4 th January to 8 th January 2020 in Pune. This programme provides delegates with a minimum of 40 hour training in mediation by a team of global experts who have decades of experience in alternative dispute resolution which will involve role-playing mediation sessions, group discussions, and exercises in order to practice the skills being learned. This is a SIMI registered and CMC Accredited programme and the completion of this programme results in full accreditation as a UK Civil-Commercial mediator meeting international standards in mediation. It also gives an opportunity to be a level-1 SIMI (Singapore International Mediation Institute) Accredited Mediator. Dates ā 4 th January 202 to 8 th Januar...