'Centre for ADR- IFIM School of Law in Collaboration with KAMAL & CO. ADVOCATES are pleased to announce CONCORDAT 3.0| 3rd National ADR Fest, 2023 scheduled from 15th-17th December 2023.' Established in 2014 and based out of the Silicon Valley of India, today IFIM School of Law is recognized as the 2nd most outstanding Law School of Excellence by the Global Human Resource Development Centre (GHRDC) survey, 2021. IFIM aims to impart quality legal education, executed by a meritorious team of faculty. CONCORDAT 2.0 evolved by inculcating Client Counselling, Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration into two segments, namely "C-Neg" and "Med-Arb" respectively. Spanning over three days, based on Sports Law and International Law Themes, it further transformed into an ADR Fest, merging competition with cultural festivities, celebrating ADR among students. FORMAT OF THE COMPETITION: CONCORDAT 3.0 will spread over three days and two categories of competitions,...