"Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram are plased to announce their 9th National Competition on ADR Mechanism for Kelsa Trophy schedulled to be held from 8th and 14th December 2023 in Hybrid Mode." The Government Law College (GLC), Thiruvananthapuram establishes in 1875 is one of the oldest instituions imparting legal education in Idia. Affiliated to the faculty of law of University of Kerala, the college is supervised and controlled by the Government of Kerala and was ranked as the 23rd best law college in India. ELIGIBILITY: The Competition is open for all Law Colleges and Law Departments recognized by the Bar Council of India. The Participation is limited to under graduate students in law both in the 3 -year and 5- year law courses. Partcipation is onn first come first serve baisis. IMPORTANT DATES: Last Date for Registration : 1st December, 2023 Competition Dates: 8th December and 14th December, 2023 For More Details, Kindly Refer to the Brochure Here APPLICATION...